
Abila Quail Feeds

Abila Quail Feeds is categorized into 5000 Booster, 8000 Booster, and 10,000 Booster feeds. These premium-grade feeds are specially formulated to provide a balanced composition of protein, fat, energy, minerals, vitamins, and essential amino acids. Abila Quail Feeds are highly suitable for quails, ensuring optimal growth, body weight, energy levels, immunity, and overall health. These feeds support better egg production, enhanced feed efficiency, and superior meat quality, helping farmers achieve higher productivity and profitability in quail farming.

Chemical Composition of Abila Quail Feeds



ABILA 5000 Booster

(For egg production up to 100 eggs/bird/month) (20% CP, 4% Fat, and 70% TDN)

It provides essential protein, minerals, vitamins, and energy, ensuring healthy growth and sustained egg production. This feed is ideal for maintaining the overall health of small or low-performing flocks while keeping feeding costs affordable.

ABILA 8000 Booster

(For egg production between 100–150 eggs/bird/month) (22% CP, 5% Fat, and 75% TDN)

Specially formulated to enhance egg quality, size, and production levels, this feed provides a balanced blend of nutrients to meet the needs of medium-producing quails. It helps to improve the immunity, fertility, and vitality of the flock. ABILA 8000 Booster ensures a cost-effective solution for farmers aiming for consistent production and profitability without compromising bird health.

ABILA 10000 Booster

(For egg production above 150 eggs/bird/month) (24% CP, 6% Fat, and 80% TDN)

This premium-grade feed is enriched with bypass protein and fat to support high-performance quails. The advanced formulation promotes optimal egg production, improved shell quality, better feed conversion, and overall bird health. ABILA 10,000 Booster is tailored for high-yielding quails in intensive farming setups, helping farmers achieve peak productivity and profitability.


Provide 20–30 grams of feed per bird per day, adjusted based on the bird’s size, age, and production stage.

Ensure constant access to fresh, clean water for optimal digestion and performance.

Supplement feed with natural forage or other essential nutrients as needed to promote balanced nutrition and sustained productivity.