
Abila Milking Feeds

Abila Milking feeds is categorized as 5000 Booster, 8000 Booster and 10000 Booster feed. Abila Cattle Feeds is a premium grade super special composition of Proetin, fat, energy, minerals, vitamin and essential amina acids. This grade is extremely suitabl to the cowand buffalo. It keeps heighest fat, milk, body weight, energy and immunity power in cattle.

Chemical Composition of Abila Milking Feeds



ABILA 5000 Booster

(For mik production up to 15 Lits Cow and10 Litr Buffalo) ( 20% CP, 4% Fat and 70% TDN)

This animal Feeds is avilabe in available at a afforadable price. This animal feed is made for low milk yield or average animals and it fulfills their basic nutritional requirements, preventing deficiencies of minerals, vitamins and calcium their bodies.

ABILA 8000 Booster

(For mik production 15-25 Lits Cow and10-15 Litr Buffalo) ( 22% CP, 5% Fat and 75% TDN)

This cattle feed has formulated keeping in mind the health and milk production of your animals. Its quality and production are carefully to ensure that the cost of milk production does not become too high for the former. Therefore, this feed is a cost effective solution for dairy farmers who want to keep their animals health and productive whil keeping their expenses in check. Additionally, this ensures that your cattle receive a balance diet and all the necessary nutrients to meet their dietary requirements.

ABILA 10000 Booster

(For mik production above 25 Lits Cow and above 15 Litr Buffalo) ( 24% CP, 6% Fat and 80% TDN)

This cattle feed is specially formulated with bypass fat and protein to provide exceptional results. These Ingredients are added in specific quantities to ensure that the feed is nutritionally balanced and can enhance the overall health and productivity of cattle. With the right blend of bypass fat and bypass protein,this feed can help you achiveve superior result from your livestock. This cattle feed is specially desined for cow and buffalo hat produce high quantities of milk.

FEEDING SCHEDULES: Fed 400 gm Cow and 500 gm Buffalo per Liter of milk plus 1 kg extra feed per day for maintenece.